Welcome to my blog

PLease enjoy my blogisms. . I am so fortunate to be able to paint and share my successes and failures with you . I was alate starter in the art field but became thoroughly passionate about painting in the 1980s so quite a few years have gone by in my evolution through a variety of mediums
I will write about what I am currently doing so come on back.


Monday, December 30, 2013

Reviewing 2013

Here it is, the Eve of the New Year, 2014.
I am so amazed to think that this will be the year I turn 80!
Time to wrap up 2013 and make some plans for the next one. Not really resolutions as I never seem able to keep them. Maybe its just the word that is scary.
So lets just say ideas that keep life interesting?
For a few days I have been making notes in my sketchbook just clearing the clutter in my head.
Reviewing '13  I see I taught some classes in watercolor and mixed media, collage and  did some "demos" for other art groups. Sold a few pieces. Hope as the economy improves sales will come. Hint, hint.
Taught on  Celebrity  cruise from Vancouver to Alaska and back.
Just love that part of the world, memories of childhood on the BC Coast .
Had two paintings published in and on books by North light and by Trish. Also self published a soft cover book of watercolor and ink sketches "North toAlaska"
Spent a week in Tsawassen, BC with sister Barb and family in January and again in September and "reuned" with gals from student nursing days.
Took two painting get aways to Murphys and Occidental, both small towns in California.
Spent lots of time with Family and friends here at home..

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